Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Is it wrong that American Idol made me cry?

I just watched last night's American Idol (the one where they separate the good from the bad, put them in an empty conference room for hours without even some complimentary bottled water and/or a tray of assorted cookies, and then send one room of poor souls packing while the other three rooms are screaming their guts out with glee) and I got totally choked up. This can mean one of several things: 
  • I'm getting older and more sensitive
  • I do have a heart after all
  • I have a raging case of PMS
Tonight's episode is two grueling hours of heartache. I have a box of Kleenex and some microwave popcorn ready to go. (Also I am predicting the blind guy and the guy who's wife died will go farrrrrrrrrrrr......). Also the crying, screaming, laughing psycho girl will be eliminated soon, and have a complete meltdown (I won't cry).


angelsroy33 said...

Please keep me posted as to what happens on A.I. this week.(I've been taking care of my sick mom, and missed last night and tonight.)I want the guy named Danny w/ the glasses to be a finalist. His voice is amazing. I cry too,(but for other reasons!)

Val and Parker said...

will do!. Am getting ready to watch and don't worry Danny with the glasses (the one who's wife passed away?) isn't going anywhere.